Pathology Services


The department of pathology at Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital has been operating for a long period of time; providing quality services to numerous women, mothers and neonates from all corners of the country. Pathology is a broad and complex specialty that includes a long list of subspecialties, all of which are integrated to identify different disorders and diagnose diseases. We provide essential laboratory services required for antenatal, natal, postnatal care as well as for gynecological, neonatal and infertility problems.  Pathology department is also enrolling in EQAS conducted by National Public Health Laboratory.

Our departments:

  1. Biochemistry
  2. Hematology
  3. Histology
  4. Cytology
  5. Microbiology
  6. Hormone assay
  7. Immunology
  8. Parasitology
  9. Blood bank
  10. Molecular lab for HPV testing
  11. Immunohistochemistry

In pathology departments we have a team of pathologists, microbiologists, section in-charge, technologists, technicians, assistant technicians and supporting staff, providing 24 hours services. 


  1. Biochemistry

The tests performed in our laboratory include Sugar(F/R/PP), Glucose challenge test, GTT/OGTT, Cholesterol, Albumin, Phosphorus, SGPT, SGOT, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, ALP, Total protein, Albumin, Uric Acid, Calcium, Phosphorous, LDH, CSF sugar/protein, Iron profile, Urea, Creatinine, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Chloride. 24hrs urine protein, CEA, Ca125, AFP.

  1. Hematology

Complete blood counts (includes Hb, TC, DC, Platelet count, RBC count, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC), Reticulocyte count, Peripheral blood smear, Parasite screening, Bleeding and clotting time, PT/INR, APTT and FDP are performed in our lab.

  1. Histology

We receive more than 100 tissue biopsy samples per month, which are processed and then reported within 1 week to 15 days. 

  1. Cytology

Pap screening (LBC/Conventional), bodily fluids which include peritoneal wash, a

scitic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are our commonly received samples. 

  1. Microbiology

Blood C/S, urine C/S, CSF, pus, HVS, sputum, body fluid, tissue culture, endotracheal culture, catheter tips , testing for sexual assault cases are routinely stained for microbes along with culture and sensitivity testing. Enrolling in national level EQAS, AMR surveillance.

  1. Hormonal assay

Beta hCG, Thyroid function test, FSH, LH, PRL, AMH are the hormones assessed in our lab. 

  1. Immunology

CRP, HIV, HbsAg, VDRL, Urine pregnancy test, TPHA, RA factor, HCV, ASO and widal test are done in our lab.

  1. Parasitology

We perform urine and stool routine examination, semen analysis, urine for reducing sugar, stool for occult blood and acetone. 

  1. Blood bank

Blood donation, Blood grouping, Blood cross matching, Anti D titer, DCT, ICT and provision for blood and its components for transfusion are available. Blood bank is enrolling in the EQAS for TTI testing.

  1. Molecular lab for HPV testing

At least 4ml of cervical sample received in LBC containers are processed for molecular analysis of HPV viral DNA using digene HC2 high risk HPV DNA test.

  1. Immunohistochemistry

We are initiating immunohistochemical tests for confirming diagnosis of many gynaecological neoplasms.

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